You just got Hertz’ed

We live in weird times… Part deux…

Some time ago (March 24th, 2020) Hertz kicked the can and filed for bankruptcy and a LOT has happened since then… Actually, that was only 76 days ago or to put it into context about as long as the latest Matcha detox you have been on.

As to be expected, like in any bankruptcy, Hertz’s equity swiftly and reliably skyrocketed 830%. Wait What?

You read that right. Once again in a showdown of epic proportions, that can only be compared to the Rumble in the Jungle, the Tech Bro’s nailed it again (#TooEasyBro). Poor Uncle Icahn (14 Billi Net Worth) was left out in the rain to tend for his Hertz’ed wounds, which amounted to close to 2 Billi, No Biggie. Uncle Icahn must still be feeling the burn from that epic smackdown…

Who really cares about annoying boomer things like capital structures or $15Billion in asset-backed securities tied to things like all of Hertz’s cars. Who cares if Hertz’s best case scenario emerging from this clusterf*** is issuing a bunch of new stock that current stockholders (yea I am talking to you TCB) will never own.

Bottom line is TBP: Tech Bro be Printin’. They just can’t go wrong…

Score for the Week: Tech Bro 2 – 0 Uncle Warren and Icahn

Stay tuned as The Tech Bro’s continue to rewrite the rules of modern day finance while sipping their socially distant White Claw’s…

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